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+91 7678 027 556 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Monday to Saturday) Sign up for diet & exercise consultation.
Body Transformation: Panchali Baishya

Transformation of a teenager: Food, fitness & lifestyle

Panchali Baishya was this typical teenager eating out almost every day. Then one day like a bolt out of the blue, it hit her that she had gotten seriously out of shape.

We started with the small step of cutting down on eating out, limiting it to once a week. This single step snowballed into a series of other steps — working out, sleeping on time, eating on time. She never bothered stepping on the scale but only on stepping up her efforts.

A journey that started from 75 kgs to her current 59kgs over 2 years. It’s a journey from eating out all the time to once a week, not working out to pushing over 250lbs on the leg press, from huffing and puffing on the treadmill to running 2 kms in 20 mins. A journey from void to being full of life, “no time” to making time, oversized tees to well fitted tops, tons of weight lost but that’s not the point, the point is she found herself!

Body Transformation: Panchali BaishyaThanks Panchali, you made me proud!!!

Inspired? Begin your own transformation today »

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