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+91 7678 027 556 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Monday to Saturday) Sign up for diet & exercise consultation.



Mangoes, the tasty & healthy summer fruit

MANGOES: The Summer Fruit with Amazing Benefits

Mirza Ghalib has sung its praises and Rabindranath Tagore, Amir Khusro have written poems on it, mango is not called the ‘king’ of fruits for nothing.

Hailed by Ayurveda as ‘Sheeta’ (coolant) and ‘Laghu’ (light to digest), it makes for the ideal summer fruit for you.

And if it’s great taste makes you feel it cannot be healthy, then check out just 10 good reasons why you should “cool” your summer with mangoes!

1. DIABETES – Low in GI, mango is not only safe for diabetics but highly recommended as it delivers sustained energy without spiking the blood sugar levels

2. OVERWEIGHT – It is fat-free, cholesterol-free and does not make you fat even if you eat it every day. The soluble fibre, pectin along with the vitamins and minerals in it helps to keep you satiated and full for a longer time.

3. INFERTILITY– Abundant in Vit E, mango is called the ‘love fruit’ as it regulates sex hormones and boosts sex drive. Think Aamsutra!

4. BLOOD PRESSURE – Being an excellent source of Vit C, it works towards lowering the body’s blood pressure.

5. PCOD – Rich in Vit B6, a mango a day will help regulate hormones and reduce PMS

6. THYROID – The Magnesium in mango converts the inactive T4 thyroid hormone into the active form of T3, thus enhancing the metabolism of the body

7. CHOLESTEROL –The high levels of folic acid in it reduces serum cholesterol levels, especially the LDL cholesterol in the body

8. CONSTIPATION – The Prebiotic fibre it contains eases the bowel movement and keeps the digestive tract clean

9. ACNE – Vit A in mango makes it the skin’s best friend. It helps fight acne and is anti ageing

10. HEART DISEASE– Loaded with compounds called polyphenols which are strong antioxidants, it protects against heart disease and cancer.

No excuses, go grab a mango, right now!

 Other Indian summer foods & drinks that will benefit you-

  1. Sugarcane Juice- A Summer Drink To Relish
  2.  Enjoy local Tadgolas (toddy palm) in Summer
  3. Rice- To Beat the Heat
  4. Are Sabja Seeds part of your Summer Diet?
  5. Cool and Healthy Indian Summer Drink- Variyali Sherbet
  6. The ancient and exotic Neera!
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– The humble spice, jeera (cumin seeds) hydrates, has detox benefits, reduces body heat, cures itchiness and works wonders for those troubled with acne and pimples.

Soak one tsp of jeera overnight along with a tsp of mishri (rock sugar). In the morning first thing, strain the mixture and drink the water. Alternatively, you can put jeera powder to your buttermilk or curd.

Lemongrass is a great herb for the summers. It treats indigestion, keeps you hydrated, improves gut function and cools the body. You can make lemongrass tea by seeping the grass in water. Also, you can use lemongrass by soaking a mesh bag with a handful of leaves in your bathing water.

– Avoid having alcohol. Alcohol is dehydrating in nature and can add up to the dehydration the heat brings along. If you must, then ensure you drink plenty of water along with your drinks. One glass of water for every glass of drink is a good way to start.

– Avoid refrigerated water as it hampers digestion. Ayurveda also has always advised against the consumption of chilled water. Instead, drink ‘matka (earthen pot)’ water. It is naturally cool and has the unique property to reduce the temperature of water in accordance with the climate

– Avoid processed foods like chips, cookies & packaged sugary drinks and beverages. They are actually dehydrating and can reduce the amount of fluid that your body actually retains. Instead, have fluids like coconut water, homemade sherbets, buttermilk, curd etc.

Unsure about the right diet for you? Are you torn between what you’d love to eat and what you hear is unhealthy for you? Sign up for a one-on-one nutrition & diet consultation with leading Mumbai dietitian Munmun Ganeriwal

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This summer, #BeatTheHeat with Rice and get your summer diet plan on point.

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Tadgolas for summer detox, anti-ageing & weight loss

TADGOLA- the neglected local fruit

While coming back from my workout today morning, saw these juicy and fleshy TADGOLAS. Carried on a cart by a farmer from Dahanu (Konkan coastal belt), these small ice apples wait to be noticed by people rushing into the gym but all in vain. The more popular red apples coming from distant land stay happily tucked in the gym bags vs these which are cultivated just few kms away from us.

Few reasons why you should be eating this local and NUS (neglected and underutilized species) fruit are-

1. Weight loss- Low in calories, rich in water content and almost no fat, Tadgola is a must if you are looking out to shed some weight

2. Summer detox – The abundant potassium it contains flushes out toxins from the liver making it the perfect summer detox for you

3. Anti ageing – Rich in antioxidants, it is the humblest ‘anti ageing’ treatment for your skin and body. Eating local can get glam too!!

 Other Indian summer foods & drinks that will benefit you-

  1. Sugarcane Juice- A Summer Drink To Relish
  2. 10 Reasons to Eat Mangoes in Summer
  3. Rice- To Beat the Heat
  4. Are Sabja Seeds part of your Summer Diet?
  5. Cool and Healthy Indian Summer Drink- Variyali Sherbet
  6. The ancient and exotic Neera!
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Mangoes, the tasty & healthy summer fruit

MANGOES: The Summer Fruit with Amazing Benefits

Mirza Ghalib has sung its praises and Rabindranath Tagore, Amir Khusro have written poems on it, mango is not called the ‘king’ of fruits for nothing.

Hailed by Ayurveda as ‘Sheeta’ (coolant) and ‘Laghu’ (light to digest), it makes for the ideal summer fruit for you.

And if it’s great taste makes you feel it cannot be healthy, then check out just 10 good reasons why you should “cool” your summer with mangoes!

1. DIABETES – Low in GI, mango is not only safe for diabetics but highly recommended as it delivers sustained energy without spiking the blood sugar levels

2. OVERWEIGHT – It is fat-free, cholesterol-free and does not make you fat even if you eat it every day. The soluble fibre, pectin along with the vitamins and minerals in it helps to keep you satiated and full for a longer time.

3. INFERTILITY– Abundant in Vit E, mango is called the ‘love fruit’ as it regulates sex hormones and boosts sex drive. Think Aamsutra!

4. BLOOD PRESSURE – Being an excellent source of Vit C, it works towards lowering the body’s blood pressure.

5. PCOD – Rich in Vit B6, a mango a day will help regulate hormones and reduce PMS

6. THYROID – The Magnesium in mango converts the inactive T4 thyroid hormone into the active form of T3, thus enhancing the metabolism of the body

7. CHOLESTEROL –The high levels of folic acid in it reduces serum cholesterol levels, especially the LDL cholesterol in the body

8. CONSTIPATION – The Probiotic fibre it contains eases the bowel movement and keeps the digestive tract clean

9. ACNE – Vit A in mango makes it the skin’s best friend. It helps fight acne and is anti ageing

10. HEART DISEASE– Loaded with compounds called polyphenols which are strong antioxidants, it protects against heart disease and cancer.

No excuses, go grab a mango, right now!

 Other Indian summer foods & drinks that will benefit you-

  1. Sugarcane Juice- A Summer Drink To Relish
  2.  Enjoy local Tadgolas (toddy palm) in Summer
  3. Rice- To Beat the Heat
  4. Are Sabja Seeds part of your Summer Diet?
  5. Cool and Healthy Indian Summer Drink- Variyali Sherbet
  6. The ancient and exotic Neera!
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RICE - To beat the heat

Wondering what to eat this season to beat the heat???

Go ahead reading about nature’s best answer to acidity, bloating, headache and more.

“RICE – Food to have this summer” : my inputs for today’s ASIAN AGE

Here’s why rice & traditional rice-based dishes are great for your summer diet-

1. Rice is a natural coolant, it reduces body heat

2. Many communities in the Eastern part of our country (Bengal, Assam and Orissa) have traditionally been cooling cooked rice in water and leaving it overnight. This fermented rice is then consumed in the morning. It is known to prevent heat strokes and stomach ulcer

3. Phodni cha bhaat, a typical Maharashtrian dish, made from left over rice and combinations like curd rice are rich in probiotic bacteria and Vit B12. Consuming these meals promote healthy diversity of gut flora, relieves you of constipation and will make you look thinner & flatter in your tummy

 Other Indian summer foods & drinks that will benefit you-

  1. Sugarcane Juice- A Summer Drink To Relish
  2. 10 Reasons to Eat Mangoes in Summer
  3. Enjoy local Tadgolas (Toddy palm) in Summer
  4. Are Sabja Seeds part of your Summer Diet?
  5. Cool and Healthy Indian Summer Drink- Variyali Sherbet
  6. The ancient and exotic Neera!
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